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A Team Effort
AuthorHouse was founded to meet the growing needs of authors in response to the unreliable nature of the traditional publishing industry. Our goal is to put authors in control of the book publishing process and help them achieve success on their own terms.
In over 25 years, we have helped more than 96,000 writers become published authors. We want to help you too. Learn more about who we are and how we've changed the publishing industry.
AuthorHouse helped Bruce Kimmel publish 12 books!

Author Spotlight
‘We had ultimate control over our work and did not feel that we had to change our message to cater to a large publishing company's rules.’
Leigh and Renee Macneil, authors of Spaz: The True Story of My Life with ADHD

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Brilliant Book to Masterful Movie
One of the biggest pros of self-publishing is you keep all the rights to your work. You are free to sell them to a movie producer whenever you want. Our unique Book-to-Screen marketing service helps published authors transform their books into a screenplay by creating a producer-friendly summary of their story and making it known to executives in the film and TV industry through our exclusive Hollywood database.
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