Lil’ Red in the Hood
a modern re-telling of an old classic story
Book Details
About the Book
This book is about the close relationship a little girl has with her grandmother. She loves to visit her grandmother every week, taking her fresh strawberries for her grandma’s family-favorite, delicious, strawberry fluff pie! She and grandma get dressed up every week for church. Grandma and Lil Red love fancy hats to wear to church. Grandma has beautiful hats ready for Lil Red to try on when she comes over. Lil Red has a Pitbull dog like everyone else in their neighborhood for protection. His name is Tango. Tango loves to go everywhere with Lil Red, especially to grandma’s for the saved ham bone for him..
About the Author
I'm an Author of Inspirational Poetry. I became a prolific writer over the years since 1995. I, myself, have always loved children. I had many babysitting jobs. I'd even babysit for free sometimes just to have fun with them. From a child, I always wanted to have a big family. Answered prayer, that dream came true! I have five children and furthermore, am a grandmother of seven and very involved with all of them. They have great personalities where so, I can see myself in them. They give me inspiration. They love this story I put together, and the fact that I wrote this book.