The High Calling of God

A Practical, Bible-Based Tutorial for Overcomers-in-Training

by Jim Wainscott



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/18/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 356
ISBN : 9781462412372
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 356
ISBN : 9781462412389

About the Book

The High Calling of God is a practical, how-to resource written to assist devoted followers of Christ in their pursuit of God’s ultimate prize—to be recognized as overcomers before the Judgment Seat of Christ. Specific topics include

—           the often overlooked dangers created by the subtle influence of liberal values upon the Church,

—           a review of God’s revealed plan for His redeemed saints both here on earth and in the coming Kingdom,

—           the eternal significance of being recognized as an overcomer before the Judgment Seat of Christ,

—           the extreme importance of extending grace to others and the surprising impact of this practice on one’s own spiritual growth and future rewards before the Judgment Seat,

—           a Bible-based self-assessment exercise that will assist believers in identifying their current levels of spiritual progress,

—           the emergence of an eleventh-hour army of overcomers the size of which will be unparalleled in Church history, and

—           how to effectively cooperate with the Holy Spirit as He progressively transforms His overcoming recruits into men and women who will one day reflect the glorious image of Christ.


Respond as Isaiah did when he shouted, “Here am I! Send me” (Isa. 6:8).

About the Author

In 1976, a divine encounter transformed Jim Wainscott from a professing atheist into a passionate follower of Christ. A former corporate trainer and motivational speaker, Jim has turned his attention to encouraging and assisting others in their pursuit of God’s highest calling. Jim and his wife, Lorna, currently reside in Boise, Idaho.