Lots of Luck Noblesse Oblige Reinter

by Ron Matejka



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/1/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 202
ISBN : 9781462409440
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 202
ISBN : 9781462409433

About the Book

Two preteens share their first kiss. By high school, their lives go in opposite directions. They’re now on a roller-coaster ride to reunite. Dan is a man with a complex and covert job. Sophie is a successful woman who is now struggling to start a new life. A small memento lures Dan to find his first love. All of Dan's experiences can't help him make the connection with Sophie. Their reunion is hindered by unexpected events that will have you wondering what else could possibly happen next to keep them apart. Their lives are sealed with an ending like no other love story.

Lots of luck figuring it out!

About the Author

After forty years of working at a Southern California defense company, at the age of sixty-six, an inspiration and tapestry of memories from somebody from my past managed to become a story and go from my fingers onto paper. Her inspiration was part of God’s plan for me to write Lots of Luck. I hope the ending will have you enraptured in thought!