The Graceland Gang

by Stephen G. Yanoff



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 02/10/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 286
ISBN : 9781491820728
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 286
ISBN : 9781491820711

About the Book

The mysterious death of a colleague leads Adam Gold, a claims investigator, to the discovery of a treasure trove of never-before-heard songs by the world's most popular recording artist. The King of Rock n' Roll himself -- Elvis Presley. Gold will soon learn that there are many people who are willing to die -- or kill -- to get their hands on the tapes. The list will include religious fanatics, crooked cops, the mafia, and even his own employers.

About the Author

Stephen G. Yanoff is a former insurance company executive from Long Island, New York. He worked in Manhattan for over twenty years and became an acknowledged expert in the field of high risk insurance. He is a published playwright and has taught public speaking at several universities. He now lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife and two daughters.