The Cockroach Combat Manual II

by Dr. Austin M. Frishman & Paul J. Bello



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/4/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 177
ISBN : 9781491820650
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 176
ISBN : 9781491820643

About the Book

“In the early 80’s we were evaluating a new cockroach control product in a high-rise housing project. Cockroach populations were high even though the apartment we were in was squeaky clean. The three small children that shared a twin bed there looked different to me but I wasn’t sure why. Dr. Frishman pointed out that they didn’t have any eye brows or lashes and then he exposed thousands of roaches hiding behind the head board. Some things you never forget. In my view, having Paul Bello, an industry expert himself with years of practical experience, team up with Dr. Cockroach makes The Cockroach Combat Manual II a must read because cockroach control is deserving of our best efforts.” Gordon Morrison Business Manager Vector Control and Farm Hygiene, Bayer Crop Science. “Years ago, as a young sales representative for Van Waters & Rogers, Doc Frishman taught me the value and necessity of knowing your “enemy”, the cockroach.  After these many years it remains imperative that we fully understand how to deal with the resilient cockroach.  We owe it to ourselves as industry professionals, as well to our customers, to broaden our base of knowledge.  In The Cockroach Combat Manual II, Doc Frishman and his former student Paul Bello, also a renowned industry expert, share their expertise for the benefit of readers everywhere.  It is a must have book for industry professionals.” Jim Delaney Director Central Region/Canada Univar Environmental Sciences. “Doc Frishman and Paul Bello serve as our resident authorities on cockroach management. This reference guide embodies their cockroach management mantra -- “One is too many” -- and is chock full of practical intel on the latest control trends, technologies and techniques. PMPs looking to win the war against this pervasive public health pest should read, and practice, the advice in “Cockroach Combat Manual II.” Marty Whitford North Coast Media Editorial Director & Publisher of Pest Management Professional (PMP) Magazine “Dr. Austin Frishman and Paul Bello have combined their vast knowledge and experience to author one of the most informative, practical manuals for the professional pest control industry that has ever been published. I would tag this book as a must read book for anyone dealing with cockroaches at any level in our industry.”   Tommy D. Reeves Vice President Oldham Chemicals Company, Inc. Memphis, TN.

About the Author

Austin M. Frishman, PhD AMF Pest Management Services, Inc. Boca Raton, FL Dr. Austin M. Frishman has dedicated most of his adult life to combating cockroaches. As a pest-management technician, he was profoundly influenced by the persistence of these pests and their adverse effects on humans more than fifty-two years ago. His accomplishments and awards in the field of cockroach and pest management are numerous. In the 1970s he worked with American Cyanamid as the lead researcher in heading the team that would develop the industry’s first successful cockroach bait. The retail product was launched as Combat while the professional product was launched as MaxForce. Both products still enjoy a significant role in their respective markets. Baiting for German cockroach control became a significant change for the professional pest-management industry. With baiting, flushing cockroaches is eliminated, which helps prevent asthmatic attacks in children at infested locations. Working with certain manufacturers, he introduced the first sticky trap monitors to the pest-management industry, which became a fundamental step in detection and monitoring for pests. Sticky traps have been used to monitor for cockroaches and other pests ever since. Two separate scholarships in entomology have been established in his name. The Pi Chi Omega Frishman Scholarship provides support to entomology students from this national fraternity of college graduates in urban pest management. The Dr. Austin M. Frishman Endowment Scholarship at Purdue University was announced with great surprise in January 1994 when scholarship founder Paul Bello presented Dr. Frishman with a commemorative scholarship plaque at the Purdue Annual Conference. On National Geographic Television, “Doc” was featured as Dr. Cockroach. In this show, Dr. Frishman led a team of pest-control technicians through a cockroach cleanout of a commercial kitchen where thousands of cockroaches were killed onscreen. He also appeared in a documentary filmed for Nova. In 1995 Dr. Frishman was awarded the John V. Osmun Alumni Professional Achievement Award in Entomology at Purdue University. He received the Pest Control Technology Leadership Award in 1998. In 2002 he was inducted into the Pest Control Magazine Hall of Fame. Dr. Frishman has published nine books, written hundreds of papers on the topic of pest management, has been a member of the Entomological Society of America for more than fifty years, and is a board-certified entomologist (retired). Dr. Frishman is one of the industry’s pioneer independent consultants. His clientele include housing authorities, food manufacturers, pharmaceutical facilities, museums, the US military, and scores of pest-management companies throughout the United States and abroad. The consummate educator, he has traveled more than three million miles conducting seminars throughout the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, Australia, Bermuda, Brazil, Israel, England, New Zealand, Peru, Japan, Twain, Aruba, Curacao, and Jamaica, and has presented before countless thousands of pest-management industry professionals. Paul J. Bello PJB Pest Management Consulting, LLC Alpharetta, GA Paul J. Bello has been a licensed certified applicator since 1976. He was introduced to pest management by Dr. Frishman and began his pest management career as a service technician working at Suburban Exterminating in Smithtown, New York, while a student of Dr. Frishman’s in the Pest Control Technology Program at SUNY Farmingdale. He later enrolled at the University of Georgia where he earned his BSA in entomology. He also holds an MBA in accounting from Adelphi University. Paul has worked as a technical director for large and international pest management firms and owned and operated his own pest management company located on Long Island, New York, for ten years. His extensive pest control experience led to career opportunities with global basic manufacturers where he served as a technical representative, sales representative and national account manager. Following in the footsteps of Dr. Frishman, he appeared on the National Geographic TV show Swarms where he was featured in segments on German cockroaches and the red imported fire ant. He has been interviewed on many television news broadcasts and appeared in the New York Times, Newsday, the Atlanta Journal Constitution and other newspapers. Paul has written numerous articles that have appeared in Pest Control Technology, Pest Control and Pest Management Professional magazines and was selected as a revision author for the Arnold Mallis Handbook of Pest Control. In October 2011 his first book, The Bed Bug Combat Manual, was published. He is the founder of the Dr. Austin M. Frishman Endowment Scholarship at Purdue University and has served as a volunteer and board member to pest industry trade associations. He is a sought-after speaker who has presented before audiences at industry and non-industry conferences across the United States. Paul is president of PJB Pest Management Consulting and has assisted many clients across the country in resolving various problems including bed bugs, cockroaches, rodents and other pests. His clientele include pest management firms, pest management industry manufacturers, hospitality facilities, theme parks, property management companies, healthcare facilities, public health departments, housing authorities, municipalities and others.