Letters from My Father

And the Healing They Brought Forth Forty Years Later in the Midst of Searching for My Ancestors

by Suzanne L. Holko



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/30/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781462404261
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781462404254

About the Book

As unresolved issues carried from one generation to the next, author Suzanne L. Holko tried to make sense of her family’s situation. She began rereading the letters her father, Walter, had written to her while she was attending college forty years earlier. She also began searching for her father’s ancestors, connecting her with newfound relatives.

In Letters from My Father, Holko tells how the intertwining of these events led to a story of understanding, acceptance, forgiveness, and unconditional love. She shares how comprehending the details of her father’s life and what unfolded within her search gave light to the generational wounds unintentionally handed down through her father’s ancestors. She also reveals how she gained further awareness to the challenges faced within her own life and the obvious parallels within both her father’s life—and the grandfather she never knew.

Letters from My Father describes Holko’s spiritual journey, the healing that occurred, and the blessings that were gained. She received a renewed understanding of “all in God’s timing” and the joy found within acceptance and unconditional love.

About the Author

Suzanne L. Holko is a teacher by trade and is also the author of Grampy and Me. She lives in Connecticut with her husband, Paul.