Beyond the Veil: Intimacy with God

by Sandra D. Laborde



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/24/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781462400324
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781462400317

About the Book

BEYOND THE VEIL: INTIMACY WITH GOD is a true account of author Sandra Laborde’s year-long journey of being set apart with the Lord. During that year Sandra encountered many rough terrains as she learned how to trust God. Her journey begins as she seeks to know God intimately. While on this journey, God begins to work in the deep recesses of her heart, removing hidden areas of shame, fear, and unforgiveness. As the veils were removed from her heart she became purified spiritually, physically, and emotionally. As she allowed Holy Spirit to cleanse her heart she was able to draw closer to God- but she experienced great pain along the journey. While climbing the mountain of intimacy she discovered the transforming power of the love of God, the Father. During the purification process Sandra’s passion for Jesus deeply intensified as she encountered the heart and emotions of God.

About the Author

Sandra D. Laborde is a certified massage therapist and a natural health consultant. She is the founder of Touching Hearts Health and Wellness, a ministry through which she equips people to live in divine health and wholeness. She lives with her husband in New Jersey, where she homeschools their two children.