The Mysterious Pumpkin Patch

by George E Richardson & Illustrated by Joe Lee



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/5/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 30
ISBN : 9781434353795
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 30
ISBN : 9781481727761

About the Book

The Mysterious Pumpkin Patch is about a farmer who invested his hard work into growing fine pumpkins, only to have the pumpkins turn out to be a “bad crop”. The pumpkins are very different to what ordinary pumpkins should look like. “.The farmer contemplates plowing them under because he is too embarrassed for anyone to see them. A crop like this could ruin his reputation as a pumpkin farmer. Meanwhile, some unexpected visitors stop by the pumpkin, patch and see the unusual pumpkins and they love them. They convince the disappointed farmer that all the children would love his unusual pumpkins “because they “were not ordinary, but different. And they did.

This story teaches about respecting diversity- It teaches children that it’s all right to be different. It teaches that each person has a special place and purpose in society and how a person looks has nothing to do with that person’s ability to be successful in life. It teaches children that they do not have to act like everyone else to be accepted. It teaches children not to follow the crowd, but to stand out and chart their own separate course in life-It also teaches that a person’s uniqueness, whatever it is, can sometimes be a rich reward.

This story is positive and very touching. It shows that children can be a great source of encouragement even to adults.

About the Author

For eight years George Richardson worked as a Third grade teacher. During this time, he read many books to his students. George often told his students that books contain interesting messages the author wished to share with them, his/her readers. It was during this time that George developed a love for, and an interest in children's books. One of his goals was to write a children's book and get it published. Now, this dream has finally come true with the publication of the The Mysterious Pumpkin Patch.

George is principal of an elementary school in the Rockford area. He is currently working on a doctorate degree in Educational Administration. George is married and has three children. He plans to continue writing children's books. His most recent book is entitled, Brogee's Giant Bicycle.